
Senin, 04 April 2011



Opera Mobile 11 Running on the WeTab – MeeGo

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 08:02 AM PDT

We knew Opera 11 for MeeGo was coming a couple of weeks ago but didn't know exactly when. Well, when is NOW, so thats cool, I always like companies pushing things through and not teasing the audience to death (Are you listening there RIM ?).

Here is a video courtesty of NetBook news of the WeTab running Opera Mobile 11:

There are two versions on Offer for Meego and downloads are available and installed by using Yum or Zypper, Standard MeeGo and also there is a WeTab version. Note that Zypper is not installed on the WeTab as default and I think its best to use this method as its now the preferred package manager for MeeGo.

A reboot is required for the icon to appear on the homescreen but we found doing a couple of reboots helped the speed of operation for some reason. True to form we found the browser to be fast at start up as well as multi-tabbing (its a word) and zooming and also no ‘Check-boarding’.

Opera Mobile 11 Meego WeTab MeeGoExperts Opera Mobile 11 Running on the WeTab   MeeGo

A breath of fresh air is the virtual Opera keyboard that is utilised by this app as we found it to be easier to use without mistakes than the standard offering and it would be great if this could be extracted, but I’m not even sure if thats possible. Any volunteers ?

One bit of functionality that is missed is the ability to scroll up and down by sliding on the left thumbnail like the standard WeTab browser has. We hope this can be integrated further in the future.

A good quote from Nicole:

We hope to keep seeing robust software roll out for MeeGo because in the race for third MeeGo is the only open alternative!

Source[NetBook News]

Flourish Open Source Conference – Fun with QML and JavaScript on MeeGo

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 06:20 AM PDT

Flourish Logo MeeGoExperts MeeGo Flourish Open Source Conference   Fun with QML and JavaScript on MeeGo
Over the Weekend the Flourish 2011 Open Source Conference took place in Chicago. Unfortunately we could not attend but we did dig up some information for you.

One of the sessions of particular interest to us was by Rajesh Lal from Nokia titled Fun with QML and JavaScript on MeeGo

Build cutting edge mobile applications using QML and JavaScript on MeeGo devices. Know how to apply some advanced graphics and animations with simple QML and see how JavaScript allows you to create a feature rich application. A tutorial with live demos targeted to beginner to intermediate Mobile developers interested in developing mobile applications on Linux based Mobile Devices. No C++ required.

Here is a YouTube video of the slideshow presented : Fun with QML & JavaScript on MeeGo

560 Flourish Rajesh Lal QML Javascript MeeGo MeeGoExperts 1 Flourish Open Source Conference   Fun with QML and JavaScript on MeeGo

560 Flourish Rajesh Lal QML Javascript MeeGo MeeGoExperts 2 Flourish Open Source Conference   Fun with QML and JavaScript on MeeGo

Here is the source code for Game demo of “Angry Developer” for the Nokia N900

About Flourish:

Welcome to the Flourish 2011 Open Source Conference site! Our goal is to promote the use of open source software and provide an annual gathering place in Chicago for open source enthusiasts. This will be the fifth anniversary of the Flourish conference. As usual, the conference is free to everyone and all are invited to participate.

Thanks to Rajesh for the Info and pics by way of pdp7.

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